Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Got Milk?

The world of tea drinking was thrown into confusion today as scientists revealed that adding milk to tea could negate any benefits that drinking tea could create the benefits of drinking tea. Speaking at The World Tea Conference, professor Philip G. Tips said, 'There's no reason why anyone should give up drinking tea. Only do it without milk.' What effects eating breakfast cereals, specifically cornflakes, drenched in cold milk could have, the professor would not comment, adding, 'It's foolhardy of cereal companies to suggest cereals in milk as a way of consuming them when we are all aware of the harm it could do to the benefits of drinking tea.' Mr. E. Grey, leader of the House Of Teas, added, 'Serving suggestions on cereal boxes should be banned immediately.' A spokeswoman for Green Tea was more upbeat. 'Green tea should never be drunk with milk and is therefore a highly benficial way of drinking tea,' she said.

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