Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Suffer Little Children

The UK has been accused of failing its children after a UNICEF report put it 21st out of 21 developed countries for 'child well-being'. Poverty, diet, behaviour, drug taking, Connect Four, Twister, hide and seek and British Bulldogs were amongst the indicators that Britain failed on. UNICEF UK director David Bull said the report highlighted the fact that years of cheap cider, dodgy kebabs and smoking behind the bike sheds had taken their toll. Welfare reform minister Jim Murphy said the study failed to show the positive side of British youngsters: 'Children in Britain are far better at hanging around street corners, listening to tinny music on mobiles and shouting at passers by than any other country. They can also consume huge amounts of Red Bull and chips and shout louder than any children I've heard abroad. They are also key to stopping anyone wanting to come here in the future'

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